Our Ministries
Something for everybody!

Nursery and Sunday School
During our worship service, child care and discipleship ministries are provided for our little ones. Infants and toddlers have a safe place to play, and children age three to grade five have an age appropriate way to learn more about God in their classrooms.

Every other Friday night, from September to May, our church hosts a discipleship program for girls called GEMS (Girls everywhere meeting saviour).

Every other Friday night, from September to May, our church hosts a discipleship program for boys called Cadets.

Coffee Break
Every Friday morning, September through June, women meet in our fellowship hall for prayer, coffee, and a bible study. Childcare is provided for infants and toddlers.

Other Small Groups
On Wednesday mornings, the men of our community meet for coffee and fellowship, and later in the afternoon the women of our community connect for fellowship and bible study. You're welcome to come!

And More....
For all of our ministries and the contact information for our leaders, please call or email Alliston CRC's office.
Phone - (705) 435-6522
Email - allistoncrc28@gmail.com