Questions and Answers
What is a worship service like at Alliston CRC?
Our services are about an hour long. We sing, we pray, we read the Bible, we listen, and we are given opportunities to respond. On the surface of things, it looks pretty basic. But we believe that the Holy Spirit is present in our gatherings and is actively working to renew our minds, change our hearts, and make us more like Jesus.
Is there a dress code?
No. Some dress up because it helps them prepare their hearts to be in God's presence. Others wear casual clothes because that is what is most comfortable for them.
What about my children?
Infants and toddlers can be dropped off in the nursery before the service. Our nursery is filled with toys and staffed with loving volunteers. From September to May, Children age 3 to 11 are dismissed to a Sunday School classroom early on in the service. There, they will learn more about God with their teacher.
What is membership, and do I need to become one?
Membership is not necessary but it is an important step to take at some point in your life with Christ. To become a member is to commit to Christ and his community in a covenental way. It makes the relationship official, like a wedding service makes a marriage official. Members are enfolded into the life of body, have the assurance that they belong to God's family, and come under the caring, gracious leadership of Alliston CRC's elders and pastors. In our broken and disconnected world, choosing to become a member is a radical act. We believe that this radical act is worth it for you and the community. If you'd like to learn more about membership at Alliston CRC, please contact pastor David.
Am I expected to give money?
The gospel is free of charge, and so are our worship gatherings. Giving is a discipline we hope you develop, however. Being generous is a fitting response to the generosity of God's grace poured out on us in Christ.
How do I give?
Right now, the simplest way to give is through e-transfer. Our giving address is budgetallistoncrc@gmail.com. Members and those who would like to give frequently are provided at the beginning of the year with special envelopes that can be added to the offering plate during the worship service. The purpose of these envelopes is to help with accounting so that you can receive a charitable giving receipt at the end of the year. Of course, cash and cheque donations can be placed in the offering plate as well. Each week, Alliston CRC takes up two offerings. The first one is for our Church's budget and ministries. The second one is for a charity that the deacons encourage us to support.
What does Alliston CRC believe about this, that and the other thing?
Women in leadership, LGTBQ+ issues, children at that the Lord's Supper table... there are many things that Christians talk about and wrestle through. Our Pastors would love to sit down with you and share ACRC's perspective on any number of issues or questions that you may have. Send them an email (pastorbrittneysalverda@gmail.com or pastordavidsalverda@gmail.com)! They are happy to connect.